More and more people want to join the healthy lifestyle every day; for that, they take advantage of nuts.



More and more people want to join the healthy lifestyle every day; for that, they take advantage of nuts. These are some their health benefits.


If you are trying to avoid dairy products, almonds are rich in calcium, so they are a good option if you want to make sure you are contributing this mineral to your bones. Almonds are also high in vitamin E – a nutrient which helps improve the look of your skin.


They contribute proteins and are a good source of minerals, such as iron and zinc. They are perfect if you follow a vegetarian diet. They are also rich in magnesium, which improve your memory. Add a handful of cashews to your dishes!


They are a good source of folic acid, which is very important to control homocysteine levels. Homocysteine is an amino acid associated with heart diseases or Parkinson.


They are a good source of monounsaturated fats. Researches show walnuts help reduce LDL cholesterol. Finally, they are also high in Omega-3 fatty acids, so they are a great option if you cannot eat oily fish.

Remember you shouldn’t abuse them, so eat them with caution. The daily amount recommended is about 12-15 grams. Now you know a bit more about nuts, you have no excuses to include them in your diet. Don’t miss them!


They are especially rich in vitamin B6, important to control hormones. They are a good option for problems during menstruation. They are the only nut high in lutein and zeaxanthin, two essential antioxidants for eyes protection. Pistachios also contain potassium and fiber.

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